Aged Care and Disability Services

    Home Care Packages

    Home Care Packages provide more complex support for older people 65 and younger persons from Aboriginal and Torres Strait background

    GOC Care’s Home Care Package provides a coordinated package of services tailored to meet your specific needs.

    Home Care packages can help you to stay at home and stay well, giving you choice and flexibility.

    The services provided under a Home Care Package will depend on your needs and your individual goals

    Home Care services can include:

    Assistance with personal care , social support, group outings, home cleaning and laundry, meal preparation, shopping, transport and support to attend medical and allied health appointments (such as physiotherapists and podiatrists), physical exercise programs,  assistive technologies, home maintenance and help to stay healthy such as nurse visits including medication assistance.

    Well-being activities such as Hydrotherapy, Funfit exercise classes, Social Group Outings, Dementia Carer Support.

    All activities cater to diverse culturally needs and our staff are bi – lingual and bi- cultural

    Click here to view Home Care Packages Pricing Schedule as at January 2022

    Care Management and Package Management Service Rates

    How much support can I receive?

    There are four types of Home Care Packages available ie. Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4

    Each package is designed to meet the specific needs of the person.

    To receive a Home Care Package you need to be assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team who will determine the package level to suit your care needs. GOC Care are happy to assist you with making contact with My Aged Care

    Levels 1 and 2  offer support for people assessed as eligible for a low to medium level of support.

    Levels 3 and 4 offer support for people assessed as eligible for a high level of support due to their complex or high care needs.

    The funding for Levels 3 and 4 is higher than for Levels 1 and 2 because the support requirements are significantly higher and often include nursing care and frequent personal care assistance.

    GOC Care is an approved provider with the Commonwealth Department of Health.

    GOC Care provides Home Care Packages in the South East Queensland region.

    Our  qualified and experienced Case Managers and Registered Nurses provide information on resources and services to assist you in determining your support needs.

    They will also set up services, monitor your well-being and help you achieve your goals. All services are tailored to meet your specific cultural, linguistic and spiritual needs.

    Consumer Directed Care

    Home Care Packages  are offered with a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) approach.

    This means that you have a budget allocated for your Home Care Package, which consists of the funds the government has allocated for you, plus your contribution.

    You, along with your family, make decisions on how the funds are spent to meet your needs and goals.

    GOC Care holds these funds on your behalf and works with you to coordinate the services that suit your life-style choices.

    Your Case Manager is available to partner with to provide support and advice as much or as little as you desire.

    How much will I need to contribute towards my Home Care Package?

    You can be asked to pay the following fees for a Home Care Package:

    • A basic daily fee: This is a basic fee for a Home Care Package that everyone can be asked to pay. For some people this is the only fee they are required to pay.
    • The maximum basic daily fee chargeable by a provider is set by the Department of Social Services. For an older person on a single pension, the fee may not exceed 17.5% of that pension.
    • An income-tested care fee: This fee applies to people who have incomes higher than the maximum income for a full age pensioner.

    Fee contributions are discussed with each person in accordance with the Department of Social Services guidelines and are considerate of the person’s individual circumstances.

    How can I access a Home Care Package?

    To receive a Home Care Package you must be assessed by an Aged Care Assessment Team/Service (ACAT/ACAS) to determine your eligibility.

    Visit the My Aged Care website or phone 1800 200 422 to begin the process to access a Home Care Package.

    For more information?

    For more information about Home Care Packages:

    • Contact the GOC Care Home Care Packages Program Case managers on  (07) 3249 1010 for Brisbane OR (07) 5574 3920 for the Gold Coast.
    • Visit the My Aged Care website at
    • To speak to us in languages other than English, call 131 202