With the Brisbane Care Expo completed we are turning our attention to getting ready for the Brisbane Disability Expo. The Expo will offer a crucial opportunity: for people with a disability to find out about the latest products, services, technology, aids and equipment for prod
The GOC Care team had a great 2 days at the Brisbane Care Expo. Our staff spoke with hundreds of people wanting to know about NDIS, My Aged Care, Jobs and GOC Care and everything in between! Our staff will be busy in the coming days making contact with Expo attendees.
Bill Shorten is “very pleased” with his new role as shadow minister for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, which sees the former Labor leader take a policy full-circle. He said creating the NDIS was his first job in politics and “remains one of the great privi
Prime Minister Scott Morrison has recently announced two new Ministers for NDIS and Aged Care. The new Minister the NDIS, Stuart Robert (pictured, above left), will also head the new Government Services Department, Mr Morrison announced. The new Minister for Aged Care and Senior Austr
The Brisbane Disability Expo is set to be the biggest and most anticipated all ages, all abilities disability specific Expo on the 2019 Brisbane Calendar. The National Disability Insurance Scheme is now available across all of the Brisbane region, which means thousands of residents ar